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Sunday mail x word

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grumpee | 17:37 Sun 23rd May 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
1d Zealous, incandescent (5,3) - - - T - / H - T
2d affectedly cute (4) - - - E
12a Open space used for fairs (10) - - - - - R - U - D
26a hang limply (5) - - O - E
30a relapse into bad ways (9) - A - - - L - E -
32a think of by chance (3,2) - I - / O -

thanks as always for any help


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1d White hot
2d Twee
12a Fairground (?)

32a Hit on
26a Droop (?)
30a Backslide (?)
26a droop/drape?- but that would make a letter wrong
12a Showground (?)

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Sunday mail x word

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