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So Depressing!!!!

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yellownana | 14:27 Mon 24th May 2010 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
To be sitting on my reception desk, looking out into the lovely sun, wishing i was at home with my lovely 1 year old...

I hate having to work, but we have to do it i suppose :-(

I miss being on maternity leave... lol


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Was that to me Aya?
I was just stating my cirumstances and explaining why its not always an option not to work.Sorry if my post was misconstrued.
No Dris,not to you at all!
I was just trying to say what was bugging me,then get accused of having other people pay for me!
I understand both sides,those who have to work(they don't necessarily want to)and those who cannot work(maybe they do want to)
But then you get people who just don't want to work in your face saying how great life is,and everyone who is on benefits gets labeled the same-not fair

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