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Saw this excellent t-shirt yesterday.......

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joeluke | 09:37 Tue 25th May 2010 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
........with the words 'No I'm not on fcuckin facebook' on the front

Thought it was well funny, and it begs the question...........

Why are so many 'grown-ups' obsessed with this teenage internet craze?


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Sweet dreams sqad - :-)
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a full blown arguement of facebook? how scary!

cos thats exactly like a full blown face to face argument ain't it? NOT
Very amusing to read though :-)
"Please sqad, I love you, I have never met anyone like you, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I don't want to live without you. Life without you would be unthinkable so please, please my darling give me one more chance."

"Ok, just one more chance, now get off your knees, put your skirt back on, dry your eyes, clean your face up and then pour me a the cut glass please."
I do hate people who give out on there and nobody dares go near them. I got in touch with a cousin when I joined - same age as myself - on her 4 th husband - 2 of them committed suicide - she tends to be slightly embarrassing at times on there so I go offline a lot
Sqad - you go for bunny boilers then??
I think that's called an active imagination...
what a great T-shirt Joe - even if you are on facebook, it would still be funny to wear it.

I am on FB, but to get maximum attention and exposure its best to come on here.......................

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