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Names you do NOT like???

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yellownana | 15:00 Tue 25th May 2010 | ChatterBank
127 Answers
I would really like to get an idea of what others think. So please tell me what names you think fit into these categories.

--Corny/Cheesy/Made Up
--Ridiculously Spelled
--Overused to boredom

Thank you and have fun!


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Neither does Master Bates
Loftylottie hit the nail on the head when she said "I think that we should name our children so that they suit them when they are all grown up"

A name should suit them as a baby, as a teenager and as an adult

Too many parents give their children ridiculous names these days
The e-mail directory where I used to work had a Bob Sherunckle and a Beena Wankar
I only like traditionl/old fashioned names. Can't stand some of the silly 'so called trendy' names that are banded about these days! Must me age!
--Ghetto/Trashy - Tayla
--Corny/Cheesy/Made Up - Kam'ron and Bear!
--Ridiculously Spelled - Riyleigh
--Overused to boredom - Olivia and Oliver
--Ugly - Morag as well, Angharad and Heather (sorry!)
--Plain/Bland/Uninspiring - William
i hate jerry springer-esque names like taniqua, laquisha, latisha, tonishqua, tanesha, and basically jumble of letters with a sha or qua after it...
i really hate girls names that are just a boys name with a 'ina' 'ine', ette' or 'a' etc on the end such as roberta, nigella, thomasina, carla, paula, martine, justine,

its just lazy, and many of the names end up ugly...i mean albertine!

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