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power and resistance relationship

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mollykins | 19:17 Tue 25th May 2010 | Science
7 Answers
this is useful as both my maths and physics exams are soon and i'm intrested to find out the answer anyway.

I'm sure this was in a maths paper, but i never answered it.

if power (p) is v x i and resistance (r) is v / i, give the (equation ?) linking power and resistance?

what would it be? I can't remember if it said give your answer in terms of something but as long as it works it shouldn't matter.


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you can arrange them several ways e.g. r = v/i => v = i x r => p = v x i = i x r x i = r x i^2
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aahhhhh thanks.
Question Author
wow, i'm glad after tomorrow i don't have to ever rememeber anything to do with most of physics.

But then i still have my triple science exam with observing the universe and stuff about the atmosphere which is quite chemistry based.
"wow, I'm glad that after tomorrow I don't have to remember anything to do with physics"

I haven't heard anything as sad as that for a long time.
I agree with her in a way. I was glad when my days of having to know how to calculate the area under a curve were gone. When will I ever need to know anything like that again?
Question Author
Well actually i said most of physics, i still have triple physics to do.

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power and resistance relationship

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