I know what I mean by 'corned beef legs' but google images doesn't show it.
Is it only us of a certain age that remembers huddling round the fire, freezing back and mottled shins?
My daughter had terrible corned beef legs when she was a baby, they're normal now though. She had to go to hospital once when she was a baby and they commented on it but weren't worried. One of my aunties get's corned beef legs too. I know exactly what you mean
Hope this link works! Media URL: http://www.google.co.uk/images?q=blotchy+skin&hl=en&gbv=2&tbs=isch:1&ndsp=20&imgtype=i_similar&sa=X&ei=eDgATOXOMpTh-Qan2cTKDg&ct=img-sim-l&oi=image_sil&resnum=12&tbnid=YDypPa1ymzD-QM: Description:
I remember 'cornbeef legs' my mother suffered from that problem and yes it was coz she would sit on top of the fire (as my father said) in those days it was rare to see a woman in trousers so her legs were on show all the time. Hers was from knee to ankle. Thank god for central heating.
Chilblains are nothing like 'Cornbeef Legs' Eddie, there's no pain or irritation its just self abuse really. Well it was in my mothers case it was avoidable but chilblains aren't.
Have a look at the links provided by Lofty or MissC.