So far i've had 6 of my gcse exams and found them easy, including the one that everyone expects to be hardest, triple chemistry.
However, normally when i find exams easy it either means that i've studied incredibly rediculously hard or i've misunderstood the questions and got about a c. I almsot always pay attention in classes, revised quite a lot and have had good teachers for these subjects that i've jsut been tested on.
Should i be worried that i found them easy because i misunderstood the question? meaning i'll get a c maybe a b or hope that its easy because i worked hard and was lucky with the right questions coming up?
Molly you get nice people on here at this time in the morning and you've had about 6 people on this thread wish you good luck with your exams. A thankyou to them would not go amiss.
neither can the teacehrs who'll be there or I can wait either both my physics and maths teacher who are both awesome want me to get an a* but admit that its acceptable to only get an a (the way they said it and looked at me made it funny and they were only joking)
Doubt it, there one person who is predicted all a's and a*'s in ym year group and even she doubts she can do it, especialy with thre days on the tro of an exam in the morning and afetrnoon, followed by another two days of exams.