I have just bought a Vodaphone 533 payg phone (which is made by Sagem)
I only have it switched on for about 10 hours a day and rarely send texts or make calls - it is only for emergencies, yet I seem to have to charge it about every 3 days!
My previous older Motorola used the same only needed charging once a week. Why?
Can I purchase a 'superior' make/type battery which will last longer or am I missing the point somewhere
Are you in an area of full reception? If not then your phone will increase its power consumption to maintain a good signal. The other problem is Sagem phones are cheap and you get what you pay for! Dont think you will be able to buy a better battery but you could buy a better phone.
I bought a Nokia 1208 fairly recently which is a basic phone. I only use it occasionally but charging lasts a long time. Mind you, I don't recharge it until it gets really low. Around £30 from Tesco.