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Russell is doing my head in!!!

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benny3008 | 21:19 Mon 31st May 2010 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Russell is my 6 moth old jack Russell and I have brought him to my mum and dads for the evening, what a mistake!!! so far he has run into the fridge after chasing his tail and losing balance, destroyed my dads veg patch, got soaked after getting in the way of the hose which my dad was using to water the veg patch and climbed onto the kitchen table and munched his way through a plate of cheese and biscuits when i had my back turned. Oops! Not long now and he should be fast asleep! :-)


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Or need "walkies"!
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Sssshhhh! He'll go nuts. lol i will be walking him home shortly. :-)
that's a typical Jack Russel! it's jus the way they are! .............I've owned a few, and, that's the way the are!
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yep! in the last 3 weeks, he has managed to chew through 3 harnesses! walking him on the collar will hopefully deter him from chewing through the next one i buy him. :-)
Don't you live with your Mam and Dad? I thought you were really young?
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yeh, i do officially live with them but Russell lives at my sisters cuz my mum and dad dont want a dog in the house. :-( however, i only spend 3 or 4 nights a month at my mum and dads since i got Russ, I practically live at my sisters now. :-)
Oh, Ok - was getting a bit confused then.
We just got a jack russel today, I'm not keen because I don't like dogs so have been shut away in a room on my own all day only coming out to make sure the kitten isn't being abandoned!

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Russell is doing my head in!!!

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