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I almost wrote a book about a life of rowing

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bibblebub | 08:38 Tue 01st Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
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Did it have pictures of hunky rowers ?

Can I pre-order a copy, in case you decide to do it ?
. . . .haha . . . .
Did I ever tell you I was absolutely hopeless at oar-ring. I just go round in circles. I expect you're not interested though?
i've never heard it called oarring, rowing and pulling yes but not oarring.
bibble, I assumed you meant arguing..
I have my own private vocabulary molly x

My BF ( a seasoned yachtsman) is appalled at me for calling it oaring. Says it sounds too much like whoring....
Sals ...

Going round in circles?

You should have tried having an oar on BOTH sides !!
LOL Sassy

That would be like the story of AB.

"AnswerBank: A Life of Rowing"

Yep ... that would sell !
There's nothing quite like pulling an oar
Or more than one person, in ASCs we have one oar ear but there's four of us.
Oar ear is that similar to tennis elbow?
All this rowing, has nobody thought of mediation?
An 'oar ear'?
sandy, I feel the need for some counselling!
one ore each, its still early in the morning. . . . .
What, Sandy ... just thinking quietly to ouselves?

Ohhh, sorry ... not "meditation" ?
I don't think we need acas for moll's posts
This thread is becoming most confusing :-)
one ore each?

to early for me best go drive through rush hour traffic in birmingham, that ought to wake me up!

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I almost wrote a book about a life of rowing

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