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So who fancies....

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ummmm | 11:03 Tue 01st Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Joining me for a drink at lunch time for our long distance party?



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Peri, AJ ... we will try not to drag you face down.

I know how carpet burns on the nose can be a bit tricky to cover up.
Boy I could do with a drink.

Make mine a double vodka and tonic!
bottle of Smirnoff and a straw please
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No soft drinks NoM....

righto NM and i want vino and lots of it
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No problemo....
Okay... Quiero un cortado tocado de Baileys.
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I have to write my memories email....but it makes me sad :-(

I might get drunk and just to a drunken ramble....
awwwwww (((((hugs)))))))
it's as good as good as owt ummm, it will be from the heart
Some absinthe would surely get he party started?
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Yeah....usually get emotional if I drink too much. Be warned Fluffy if we go to the food fair..!!!
Just a tonic water for me, with ice and lemon please, got to ice a christening cake this afternoon, and it wouldn't look good to be all skew-whiff - as my mother used to say!
no worries ummmmm i get p!ssed and fall over and go to sleep

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So who fancies....

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