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Just how gullible do they think.....

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janzman | 20:48 Tue 01st Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
...we are.One is so anti- establishment and 'working class ' but he will accept a peerage so he can have input into environmental issues......and nothing whatsoever to do with his wife wanting to be called 'Lady'.The other who is so establishment and 'upper class' would have us believe it was' the drink' that made her try and sell an intro to her ex for 1/2 a million pounds.One started at the social ladder's lowest rung and climbed ,the other did the reverse.They're not even English eccentrics, they are collectively a laughing stock and make us look even more foolish to the rest of the world. :-(


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enviromental issues?? the guy used to use a gas guzzler car to drive 100 yards
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Is that a Llama?
If you say so...............
It's not just them. My losing labour MP has just accepted a peerage although he campaigned for reform of the Lords when in office. It's so he can still help the local area - apparently.
Is it jno?
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couldnt agree more Steve.Everything about the two of them is false.The one has a mock tudor mansion in Hull, the other used to live in a giant Tesco's.....
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Of a Llama?
nowt to do with me, dot. My ears don't stick up like that and you can't make jumpers out of my fur. Anyway, peerages are not an unusual end to a long political career and I couldn't care less if Prescott gets one. As for Fergie, she's not an aristo, she's the daughter of a major, that's all, and she got a raw deal with her divorce settlement. Good luck to them both.

(Always nice to see British envy on parade, though.)
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Why do you think a staight foreward verbal attack on these two examples of pond life is a display of envy?......I dont understand your reasoning
one's got a peerage, one was after money - so what else suddenly brought this thread into existence? Believe it or not, people in other countries really don't spend so much time moaning about others 'getting above themselves'.
They spit though, do you spit jno? lol
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'so what else suddenly brought this thread into existance'.......both stories are plastered all over the tv and newspapers ,thats what.
Camels spit also, I have first hand experience.
mmm, camels slobber too. I'm trying to remember the difference between llamas and alpacas - I think one has ears pointing forward and the other one's point backward. Or maybe that was vicunas. Anyway, I may slobber but I don't spit; I've sort of lost accuracy and velocity over the years. long as it's not drool, jno.... :-)
I'm not sure what the difference is, boxtops, probably something to do with thickness and consistency? Actually, I'm not sure I want to go there. I don't see the Prescott story plastered over anywhere, janzman; it's just another low-ranking news story. I think it's just something that's got up your nose personally. You sound outraged that anyone should want to be called Lady. What harm's it do you?

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Just how gullible do they think.....

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