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It's gona be so warm here tomorrow, I may sit outside all day!

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Bobbisox | 23:23 Tue 01st Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Will you miss me?
Ok, Noone indispensable eh...LOL


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I'll miss you x
Question Author
awww thanks me little Oirish coleen, but if it's dull...well///LOL
Bobbi dont you have a lappy to sit on your knees?
I will miss you ...although i will hopefully be doing the same xx
Question Author
yes but the sun shines on
watch you dont burn bobbie , weather is supposed to be lovely tomorrow
Cant you attach a parasol on it,like they do on a babies buggy?
Question Author
I have already burnt me face
i know bobby , take care tomorrow x
Question Author
yes, heres to a sunny day eh
Bobbi ♥
Hopefully it's going to be a lovely day here on the South Wales Coast too! down to the beach for me!.......Lush!..............
You are so lucky,i have to go to work again tomorrow afternoon till late!
Oh shame Poodi, but it looks like the weather's good throughout the weekend too, so hopefully you'll catch a few rays too!.........
Hi my welsh lava cake,got the weekend off,really need it
Hi Poodi, looks like it's warming up for the weekend! so enjoy!
going to my bed now! Hope to wake to sunshine in the morning!..........Have a great day!..........
If you position yourself right with a lappy and a parasol you can still take the sun and see your lappy. That's what I am doing today!!!

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It's gona be so warm here tomorrow, I may sit outside all day!

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