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Just moved in - BT line

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mark01 | 13:31 Wed 02nd Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
hi, just moved - contacted gas, electric, council etc. about new ownership.

Previous owners had BT line - but I dont need a land line. Do I have to inform BT I dont need the line. Hate to get a bill in the next few months.



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the contract would of been in their name and they should of contacted BT and cancelled it.

Is it live - can you dial out?
Ring BT direct and explain your circumstances to them. If the Phone Line is not in use then you are not renting it either but you need to contact BT just incase it is still active.
BT can switch it off at the Exchange.......
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Thanks for your replies - much appreciated

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Just moved in - BT line

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