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morning earlybirds

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my4ds | 03:13 Fri 04th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
MORNING folks.

well its 4.10 a bit warm and sticky here.the bloody birds are having a party outside my bedroom window and its light outside.
do i watch tv or start some work?


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have a cuppa
Black, no sugar please. Morning my4ds and johhny. Can't stop this morning as we are orft for a long weekend. Have a happy few days and I'll see you all on Wednesday.
A happy but sticky morning to you.

Work first, play later :-)
Question Author
morning Jonny,WBM arksided..
where you off to WBM?
coffee in hand,new scissors in other.
morning all
Question Author
morning filth how you doing today?
WBM have a great time away.hope weather stays good for you.
same, that is why i am up early
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thats not good filth.will you get a nap later or will it keep you awake till tonight?
quick hello have a lovely time wbm xx hello all x
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morning zzxxee.
morning zzxxee

my4ds stayed up all yesterday so today looks the same
hope the sun shines down on you for the next week , have a nice time wbm
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right........if me hubby is reading im going to get dressed and walk the dog.

have a good day everyone.have a good wk WBM.
enjoy your walk my4ds
hi dr filth im at work so cant stay on for long so hope you and all the early bird crew have a fab day xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hope you are near a window zzxxee it is going to be hot again
Question Author
looks like im staying put.hubby still asleep so cant get dressed just yet.dont want to frighten the neighbours by going out in my PJs.
have a good day at work zzxxee.

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morning earlybirds

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