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Opinion or Offensive?

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supersuezy24 | 22:26 Thu 03rd Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
110 Answers
When does an opinion become offensive?
I've said it alot the past few days that everyone is entitled to an opinion but where or how do you determine when it's getting too much?


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the accuser slinks away with her tail between her legs
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Thanks Welsh :)
I'll try xxx
Thank you.
hang on suezy I forgot to change accounts - doh (:-))
joeluke your stirring is getting a bit obvious now.......can we have a little subtlety please.
''hangs just past my balls''

Knee length then eh lol...
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wasn't stirring, defending SS who was unjustly 'had a go at'
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Did I send it to the right address ttfn?from the lardy thread?
I do not always agree with what you say but i will defend to the death your rite to say it.
but calm down now. and count to ten love from grannie 39

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