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Thanks where thanks is due

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ayabrea38 | 18:18 Sat 05th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
I just want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone on this site and behind the screens.
I know I grumble,and ask too many inane questions,but someone always helps when help is needed.
So thank you.
I just think people need to be told thanks now and again!


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That's a nice post Aya - thank you
What a nice thought from a regular aber
I don't think you owe me any thanks, but you're welcome anyway :o)
I am guessing your computer is now working just the way you want it to work. :-)
Nor me aya but it's lovely to see a post like this
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Do you belong to the Good Samaritan Society, Jatte?
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I am not going to say anything about my computer at the mo,just in case
And I dont just mean thanks to people who have helped me,just everyone cos thats what makes the site what it is :-)))

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Thanks where thanks is due

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