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Parsimonious or Extravagant?

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NoMercy | 17:58 Sat 05th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
You're a long time dead...

You only live once...

Look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves...

Yada yada.

Are you one of those people who will buy everything you want and only the best of everything, but don't care if you've nothing in the emergency fund? Or are you one of those people who positively hyperventilate at the prospect of spending more than you think you should?

Live for the moment..... or save for a rainy day?


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Oh dear Nom - I wouldn't want a relative like that - sorry, no offence intended, I expect she has her good points
I manage with what I have, I've saved a little and I try to justify any expenditure on myself. But I'm fortunate in a way as I'm married so if I go stuck for something my husband would help me out. I won't stint on food or things that we need and we have our emergency fund.
my family raise their eyebrows at some of the things I've blown money on but I don't care. I work bloody hard and I've achieved a lot on my own.
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Good for you, Sara.

I've had weeks where I've lived on porridge because I just couldn't afford to buy any food. I've had weeks where I've gone mad and bought ridiculously priced stuff... I don't beat myself up either way.
Nor should you NoM. I reckon if we've earned the money we've also earned the right to spend it, having paid for our dues first of course.

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