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I wish they'd sell wine in imperial

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bibblebub | 23:13 Sat 05th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
almost 2 and 3/4 pints sounds so much more impressive than 1.5 litres don't you think?


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It doesn't bother me bibblebub - I operate like a one-armed bandit up down, up down, when the glass is empty I get it refilled. Nothing imporessive just dedicated drinking!
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yeah but the bottle's just run out, it looked so big before but they must make the glass so thick
I use binoculars the right way round - every drink looks like a bucketful (:-))
There's the funny thing, ask me centimetres, kilometeres or whatever they are , kilos or grams not a f3kin clue, but 70cls, not a problem, it;'s about yay high and full of clear liquid
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that hairnet is still so fanciable
Ear - I do like you bubblybib x
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Ish not how you buys it itsh how yous drink it, by the pint potful, buy more !!

TT "What is pintsh" who ya kidding , cheeky minky.
pintos are those white horses with coloured dots on - surely? Join the dots up and you get a teddy bear or a gold fish
my wine flute aint hanging on a nail behind the bar !
Harpists and flautists - are all musicians partial to a drop of libation then?
Those who play the tambourine in a band do frown oupon the taling of the alcofrol
I just wondered how the liquid doesn't seep through the valves in the flute. A sousaphone would do for bibblebub - I'd take my hat off to anyone who drank 1.5 x sousaphone
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a sousaphone eh? I hear that the Aussies drink their fizzy liquids from a tuba

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I wish they'd sell wine in imperial

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