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maths question (in the wrong category)!

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sara3 | 19:54 Sun 06th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
can some smart @rse possibly work this out for me, please?

I have an aquarium which measures 60cm (W) x 30cm (D) x 32 (H).

any ideas how many litres it would hold? thank you kindly x


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well the volume is 60 x 30 x 32 = 57600 cm³
A litre is 1000 cm³
So answer is 57.6 litres
Of course you have to leave space for fish, pebbles, food, vegetation etc

For your tank
Question Author
thank you, factor 30.. you're a star x

dusty, I'm going to steal those fishies ;o)
B00 is a semi-expert on tropical fish, - true

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maths question (in the wrong category)!

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