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Have you been ripped off?

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mrs.chappie | 21:56 Sun 06th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
I have. I found a website that advertised five samples of paint for £2.49, so I paid up and waited for the little pots to arrive. They arrived - five A5 sheets of coloured cardboard. [:o(


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Oh that's awful mrs. chappie! COMPLAIN! I would and loudly!..............
Well that website does actually refer to 'A5 swatches', Mrs C ;-)
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I remember Trading Standards prosecuting a guy for selling 'FA Cup Final Seats', which turned out to be small stools with 'FA Cup Final' written on them!
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Hey welsh, I did .... with a harshly-worded email but got no response.

Chris - that's the one, but the website I clicked on the link to didn't tell me it was gonna be swatches. (Or if they did, it was in very small print - certainly not as clear as their own website).

BTW, evening all! Hiya wyz!
Question Author
Here's the link I used, Chris. It does say on there "real paint samples delivered to your door" so I got quite excited, waiting for my little pots. Guess I was naive not to have looked further into it.


PS - Hope that link works.
Oh well mrs. chappie! Lesson learnt then for us all!............we will not be ordering any paint samples!...................
hi mrsc they sell sample pots in B&Q you know.
I paid £12 for LV bracelet (as seen) on ebay. 'As seen' turned out to be the photo; got nowt but ebay barred the seller and I never got the money back.
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I know they do dot, I've already spent a fortune on them! Can't decide on a colour for my new kitchen, so the thought of getting five for £2.49 was very appealing.

I know it's my own fault as I should have looked further into it. I still think that page I initially found and responded to should have made it clear that you are only getting shade cards, not actual paint. I'm not the only person to feel conned either - after the event I found a thread on MoneySavingExpert where a few people made the same mistake as me. One person who complained was sent two free small pots. They've sent bu88er all to me. Bah humbug! (Moan over). [:o)
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By heck tambo, the cheek of some people!
Mrs C:
The page you've linked to is meant to be viewed after the one I've linked to. (Clicking 'Choose your samples now', in my link, goes to your page).

I've just remembered another classic 'rip off'. When PlayStations first came out they were in short supply. People were making a big profit by buying them and immediately putting them onto eBay. There were loads of ads for "PlayStation (Boxed)". One enterprising advertiser offered "PlayStation Box" and got loads of bids, resulting in someone paying well over a hundred pounds for an empty box. (eBay refused to intervene as the item had been accurately described!).
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Hiya Chris. x

I typed "free paint samples" into Google and the page that I have posted a link to came up at the very top. Served me right I suppose, for trying to get summat for nowt. [:o)
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Chris, that reminds me of the time I got ripped off in Great Yarmouth (many moons ago). Paid a tenner, expecting to get an expensive electrical gadget (no, not one of those, ya bu88er) and ended up with a crappy vase and a set of pens in a huge box.

It was all a set up. I'm much older and wiser now (I think!!!!!!)
I got ripped off in a place called Canals in Spain back in December 2006. We order "gambas a la plancha" (grilled prawns) to start - I think we had four each. The price wasn't on the menu, as it was "market price". The owner charged us 84 euros for the 8 prawns, which were no bigger than your average supermarket king prawns.
No - never tried waxing
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Lol @ttfn. I've never tried waxing either. Much too big a coward.

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