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Saucy saucy.

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NoMercy | 18:36 Mon 07th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
What sauce or condiment could you not live without?

I simply couldn't live without Heinz salad cream or hot chilli sauce.


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Chicken, ham and pineapple chunks in Hellman's Mayo in a warm, crusty baguette.

I think I'm going to have to order a takeaway...

Pasta... indeed !
It does work NoM it's just a shame it's so boring........I expect to drop at least 7lbs and then just watch what I eat...
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So what do you have to do then? Eat cornflakes for b/fast and lunch?

I usually just cut out the bread if I want to lose a couple of pounds.
Houmous...yes!!...I just eat it out of the pot.
I have discovered that roasting cherry tomatoes with sweet chilli sauce and balsamic vinegar (another must -have) is gorgeous.
Yes replace the two meals and have a healthy's salmon tonight.
Yep NoM - brown sauce and bacon sarnies - I have even been known to put a little on my roast dinner, but I draw the line at a salad (:0 D
I tried this for the first time this weekend
sweet mango chilli sauce with chicken dippers and it was scrummy

Am I right ?
I'm not wrong !™

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Saucy saucy.

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