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Completely humbled.

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China Doll | 22:53 Wed 09th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Tonight was the leaving dinner for me and my team. As much as I know they'll forget about me in a months time when they realise there's someone equally as good to take over, I was completely humbled by my gifts and the meal this evening.

Tonight, I'm just awfully glad to be appreciated.

But I still ain't gonna cry! ;0)


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How long did you work there? (And were you pushed or did you and all of our team want to go?)
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I'm sure you will be missed, hun. x x
Aww CD that's nice.............when I worked in London my team got me lovely leaving presents and a card which said "We're sorry to see the back of you......but it's better than the front".....:-(
Question Author
Craft... Did you work for my team?!

Elsewise, I worked for the team for what would be two years in August had I stayed. I walked but essentially was pushed as had I actually said exactly what I thought I'd have been looking at disciplinary action, and believe I said as much as I could. I do have a new job to go to yes, will be working for the child protection team.... But I am gutted they went to that much time and effort.

What a nice bunch of people.
CD I went to London on a 1 year contract to manage a project......met some smashing people 2 of whom I am still in touch with 20 years later. They asked me to stay on with a promotion but hey I'm a Yorkshire girl through and through. I'm sure you'll be great at your new job as you're such a positive person.
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Positive? Moi?! Well yes..... I have a knack for getting crap done I guess ;0)

Cheers poppet!
Congratulations on your new job, China! x

You're a nice person, your team thought so too. I bet they're sad to see you leave. I'm sure you'll be love just as much or even more in your new job.
You will know it. Have a glass of wine...let the tear come out...

ps. I meant 'tear'
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Lol! I've gpt til Friday but thanks society, that's lovely :c)

And big girls don't cry ummmm ;0)
I said A that can't be crying...Just one single 'tear' there a word for that??
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'Wussiness' ;0)

I'm just amazed by their generosity and very thankful I ended up working for such a lovely (and utterly mad) group of people.
Good on ya :-)

I really hope you like your new job. My friends Mum worked for CP but she was a senior child protection thingybobby for SS.

Good luck China xx
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cheers dears! I really hope I can bloody do it, I hate change! In the mean time, g'night and sweet dreams. :c)

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Completely humbled.

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