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break glass to get to first aid kit!

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mollykins | 16:35 Wed 09th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
Wouldn't this mean that there would most likely be two people needing medical attention, seeing as there wasn't a hammer etc to break the glass with!


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I am the H&S rep and a first aider in our store and if anyone messes with our first aid box they soon know what the triangular bandage is for.
Dot I was thinking of a swift plaster across the mouth of the winder-upper....!
Oi! we don't waste plasters and the forms are too long winded to bother issing one! But yes lol
duct tape rules in ours - and if there is a mess we break open the hazard warning tape. No one ever survives - they all come to a sticky end.
bobbi when did you come back?
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It was on a bus, on the back of his cabin.
Where do you expect it to be then. Rattling round on the floor?
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No, but people seem to be forgetting that this was on a bus, they're going on about first aiders and all sorts as if it were in the building of a large company.
It's keep behind glass for safety reasons.

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break glass to get to first aid kit!

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