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Cleaning the carpet

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sg | 18:13 Wed 09th Jun 2010 | Home & Garden
8 Answers
I have a problem, a pigeon has been in and soiled a carpet, and I have brushed out the mess so it looks clean, but the smell of ammonia remains. Is there a particular product and method for cleaning the carpet and getting rid of the smell?



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I wonder if Fabreze would work. Other than that, use a carpet spray cleaner.
I've just read another thread where someone wanted to get rid of the smell of wee and was told that baking soda (bicarb?) was a good thing to use. Hope this helps.
Oust 3 in 1 spray is pretty good, I find it clears the lingering smell of cat wee, should work with pigeon poo.
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Thanks for your answers, I think I'm going to go for a can of Oust and see what happens.
sg- ive told you time and time kill the pigeon FIRST before you (try to) put it in the oven!

'ello stranger
If Oust doesn't work, just head to your nearest branch of Pets at Home and purchase this:
It's guaranteed to kill any 'biological' odours. Don't let the price put you off; you'll find that the bottle will come in handy for all sorts of things, such as when a child throws up over your carpet or when you spill milk onto your car seats.

However if you want to save a couple of quid you could buy this bottle (which is a scented version of the same product, in a smaller bottle):

if all else fails hire a rug doctor from homebase, does a brilliant job on carpets good luck.
A pigeon got in your house? I hope Boris Johnson now calls for a cull on pigeons a la foxes. What if said pigeon had mauled some children?

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Cleaning the carpet

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