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If you had your time again...

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Bobbisox | 22:34 Thu 10th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
59 Answers
What would you do, or be differently?


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An honest answer for you Bobbi is nothing would I change. I have no regrets of my actions or who I am. There is sadness in my life of course and some disappointment, but no regrets for what I have done. Have always tried my level best - just as I was told to do as a school kid. Carried on from there really. Unlike dear 4get I probably haven't got much more to go - but I will not spend what time I have left on regrets.
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great answer ttfn
What will ya say at those Pearly Gates?
I'll be right behind
-- answer removed --
Supported Real Madrid
The lift is only going one way Bobbi and that is saaaaf
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TT, ok pet, I understand
No worries hun. Reading some of these posts makes you count your blessings xoxo
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too right toni pet
we are all lucky , but all have 'baggage' right?
Fair point, Tony. Sorry for being nosy. X
I wouldn't agree with us all being lucky Bobbi. But everyone does have baggage =)
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stairway to heaven... for us,,,,but not for a bloody long time eh?
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I have been lucky enough to have a beautiful daughter, a gorgeous grandson, I had an abusive first marriage, I am lucky I have a wonderful husband now
I count my blessings
just one thing I would change, in 1984 my Brother phoned me to say he wanted to come and visit me, I had planned to go out so said come and visit the following weekend, he took his own life the next day, I will spend the rest of my life thinking, if only...........................

Ive done a lot of things in my life that maybe I should regret and do differently if there was a next time, but at the end of the day, all my life experiences has made me the person I am today, I think I'm not such a bad person today:)
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ratters...sorry pet
ratters - I always try and remember - never let the sun go down on your wrath - it is so true
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ditto x
sorry ratter ^ thats 2 oaps who cannot spell your name ( but she did it first and I only copied her)
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bugger orf you...sis
mwah x
Ty Bobbisox and ttfn and as two sweet AOP's you are forgiven, I've actually been called "Ratters" on here for years I quite like it :)

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