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I need help - with man beer

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joggerjayne | 16:45 Fri 11th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
I bought a barrel of man beer this afternoon ...

... and I can't lift it out of the back of my car.

I need help.


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I can see this thread getting rude
decant the barrel using a 1/2 pint glass, it might take a while but will still seem ladylike to the neighbours
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Yay, sorted.

Neighbour has helped out.

beejay ... got some pals coming over tonight for a bbq (on my balcony, so bit cramped).

They are beer drinkers.

Didn't know what to get them, so got barrel of real ale from local brewery. Have been given little tap to hammer into one end, and little wooden thing to go in hole on top.

Olive wasn't in today.
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ps. beer drinkers are the husbands and BFs ... not my pals !
the neighbour will need an invite too now JJ
oh a bbq ^
will this involve JJ 'COOKING' ?
pimms and daiquiri's only for your friends eh jj
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Neighbour is invited.

Cooking ... the guys will do that.

Me + girls will just get quietly trolleyed.
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Be good ... catch u tmrw x x x
cu JJ

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I need help - with man beer

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