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What have you been

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brenda | 17:13 Fri 11th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
doing this afternoon?
I have had wall to wall world cup , S.A v Mexico, loved every moment can't wait for the next game.C'mon England!
Remind me who they are again !


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I got home from my maths exam, had some lunch, went shopping, did revision, took molly out, made and ate my tea, got changed and went to badminton, got home and came on here.
Saw Dr Rob for bi annual check up, & then serious shopping in Manchester - feet are killing me :o)
Boring stuff: Weekly shop, Vacuuming, dusting, washing. Now its footie footie and more fluffing footie.....oh wait a minute he's turned it over to Taggart. wheyhey.
gardening, hoovering and cleaning my kitchen. boring, but at least its ruddy clean now - my mother's coming down tomorrow! x
I watched the footie this afternoon and evening!
Watching the tennis at Edgbaston - it's great being retired!

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