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Greedyfly | 12:14 Sat 12th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
Until Mr Ed sorts it out, that way they won't keep appearing on the feed.

At leats its a nice day out today - (changing the subject)


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Either way I am sure it will be dealt with - why people have to be so damn childish is beyond me!
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Helen you must be so worried, that's an old lady to be missing. Fingers crossed she's just gone for a spring walkabout. Let us know.
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I am sure she has just got distracted by something fun. Mine once went for over a week and we feared the worst. I took my dog out for a walk one day and found my cat asleep in a cornfield - just enjoying the summer too much lol.
Fingers crossed for you red, non-cat people just don't understand how much we worry. Hopefully you're only doing a hal-day??
meant half-day
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Nightmare, do you have a cat flap or somewhere where she would stay until you get in?
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lol thats good at least someone is there. I hope she turns up soon for you. I recently moved house and our young cat went out after the six week gap and didnt come home until 4am the next day - I was worried sick.

You do get very attached to your pets =)
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Well I am off for a little while - not so well today. Hopefully Ed will have this sorted soon and the culprit won't be offending anyone else.

Red - hope you kitty comes back safely, let us know will you? =)

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