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I've regestered to second chance, but not idea what to do next. Can't see anything about the lottery

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wjardine | 16:14 Sun 13th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
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I have read this 5 times now , and i still haven't got a bloody clue.
Once you have registered the page says make a claim , just done it. Are you sure you haven't just signed up for their newsletter?
All seem to be posted by different people also.
As a first question this is not great.....but do keep trying :-)
Again....*waits for advert*
I'll come back later when you've sussed it out.
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Yes I know this was a poor 1st question.. I WILL get better ;)
Thanks to those who have helped

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I've regestered to second chance, but not idea what to do next. Can't see anything about the lottery

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