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ratio of staff to residents in an e.m.i. run residential home

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zzxxee | 17:23 Sun 13th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
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Question Author
i wasnt sure where to post this i have asked this before but there doesnt seem to be a clear cut answer or any info on the net if anyone can give me a correct answer i would be very grateful tia
zzxxee, look here
I;m not sure which category you work in but if (say) you look at page 3 of the first one - older people - it is quite vague, it says staffing must reflect the needs ot the patients.

I hope this helps
^ sorry page 29 (not page 3)
Question Author
thanks for the help box but thats the problem nothing is set in stone its so frustrating but it did have a useful email adress dor cqc so i will email them tommorow thanks a lot xx
try ringing age concern
good luck zzxxee - CQC set the standards but you might also want to speak to someone in your PCT, they commission the services of the nursing homes these days I beleive?

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ratio of staff to residents in an e.m.i. run residential home

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