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pericat | 08:14 Tue 15th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
35 Answers


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Exotic - jack
(just practising...)
I thought grave accents slanted the other way to acute.
é is an acute accent I believe.
That's an 'acute' accent.........

How can I get a 'grave' accent simply using the keyboard ? It's frustrated me for years..........:o(
You are correct SB, my mistake.

Hold down the ALT key and press 0232
on windows you can only get a grave using ALT codes (or copy and paste from the character map)

Under Windows hold down ALT while typing the appropriate number code on your numeric keypad to create grave accent marks. (note, has to be the number pad, not the numbers across the top of the keyboard)

For Windows, the number codes for the upper case letters are:
À 0192
È 0200
Ì 0204
Ò 0210
Ù 0217

For Windows, the number codes for the lower case letters are:
à 0224
è 0232
ì 0236
ò 0242
ù 0249
Nothing happened..........:o(

Does it matter that I'm using a laptop ?
Maybe. This usually works using the numbers on the number pad rather than the top row of the keyboard. Failing that, just copy and paste this ---> è
Thankyou, so very much !!!!!

I can't find my umlaut.
you took a left instead of a right, then i suspect you went round the roundabout twice and took the wrong exit

its how we all ended up here...
umlauts are ALT key plus
ä = 0228
ë = 0235
ï = 0239
ö = 0246
ü = 0252
ÿ = 0255
Mcmouse its down your trews
Mein Gott fluff I'd never have thought of looking there..

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