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Further to JJ's Rob Green thread

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stewey | 15:11 Tue 15th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
5 Answers this really happening in the press over there? Crazy!



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I wouldn't say the paper was blaming the split for his error.
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Seems that way, daffy; in that one article anyway. Maybe it's the Toronto Sun's attempt to get some "Canadian Content" into the Cup seeing as we don't have a team. I do not have a lot of use for the press: they're always trying to squeeze issues out of nothing.
The Daily Mail are rnowned for that Stewey! In todays issue they are trying to pit Cheryl Cole against Natalie Imbruglia.
-- answer removed --
The draw was NOT the goalie's fault.

Does England's entire strategy plan for winning the group consist of ...

... "keep a clean sheet" ??

Duuuh ... guys ! ... get up the other end and SCORE SOME GOALS ...

... you pathetic bunch of losers.

Us not beating the US at football is like the US not beating us at baseball !!

We really are a bunch of spineless whingers, aren't we.

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