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Come dine with me - extra portions

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chokkie | 12:20 Sat 12th Jun 2010 | TV
5 Answers
Watched this the other day, it really made me laff. There was this woman going on like nobody's business about how rubbish everyone else';s food was just because they hadn't made this or that ingredient from scratch. She was so convinced she was going to win, and it was great - because she didn't.

They don't seem to be doing the bit where the guests go and snoop around the host's house, looking in drawers, etc. Have they stopped that now?


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someone commented on here a couple of days ago that they didn't do this with the recent WAG edition - they still do it on all the others I've seen.
I think it's cos it's a hour prog now, 15mins each, so no time for snooping!
They did do it with the Wags, as they went into one of the bedrooms and commented on the giant telly.
They came out from the end of the bed. The WAG one was hilarious....they couldn't even read a menu.
The ex-footballers one was better. Funniest thing I have seen in ages. One of them answered the door naked apart from his apron and had a gimp in the corner serving drinks.

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