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NoMercy | 20:44 Thu 17th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
Why do some people neglect to use anti-perspirant, particularly in this weather?

There's no excuse for smelling rancid.


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No disrespect or discrimination meant to anyone, but, in my 'nosey' observation I find Indians always smell sweaty. Whenever I get a whiff of one I always think they probably don't wash their clothes often, or wear deodorant, and wash their bodies regular. The majority of them smell foul.
yer if anyone watched embarrasing bodies there was one bloke with all puss under his arms, doubt he could wear deodrant, or people with psoriasis
It wasn't fun. It's a hard subject to raise and try and be tactful about it!
SS, he was informed by the instructors that if he didn't start to improve his hygene he would be removed from training as a health hazard. He started to wash after that
I think its just their culture, I lived with indians so know what you mean. I just think that they probably dont do it over their so they are used to it.
Elderly people may be whiffy for a number of reasons, A) mobility problems so they cant reach to clean the smelly bits
B) Incontinence but too embarrassed to talk to any one.. C) Old folks clothes are often made of fabrics that tend to lock in bad odours especially if they repeatedly dry in, or they may not have a washing machine and hand washing is pretty hard work if you are old and frail so they wear their stuff more often, D) bereavement,, when an elderly man loses his wife he may never have washed/ironed his clothes before, add in the depression caused by the loss and he may never learn, e) They may not have any close personal relationships if there are no relataives around no one to spot there isa problem and persuade then to get help.
I always felt so sorry when an elderly patient was admitted and when offered a bath many would get really upset because they hadn't had a bath or shower for years..Wash their back and they were your friend for life...
We are constantly being warned about the odour that some of our patients will have. Smells ranging from neglect, through infection, and onto excretions. I can't wait :D
It won't be a problem, you will learn the ancient carers art of the extra strong mint and you will find it worketh exceedingly well..... just don't use anything like mentholyptus you really dont want to open up those nasal airways

Seriously though,, you just see past the squalor and stink to the person who needs your help,,
There will be poo
there will be pee
over you
as it went over me...
There will be vomit and so much worse
A good sense of smell is an A and E curse
much like being a mother then

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