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It's quiet on here

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stewey | 20:10 Sat 19th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
.......isn't it. Think I'll head across the field to the bar in a few minutes. Please feel free to join me; I might even buy you a wobbly-pop. I'll be the one sitting at the bar, drinking a mug of Molson Ex, glancing at the tv, and now and again filling in spaces on a crossword puzzle......See ya down there: cheers!


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Shhhhh... your disturbing the peace =) (wink wink)
stewey look in at the mad over fifties club, you might qualify on one count if not the other. They are always glad to see a nice young man.
You get tailcocks and nibbles at the Club stewey and rivetting conversation too.
Rivets, gran? are those tap-dancing welders on the menu tonight?
What is this mad over 50's club? I cannot join? I am too young! =(
Come on, GF - *YOU'RE* making it too easy... ;-)
If you are mad enough you are old enough
I don't go in there......they're all nutters.
You're lucky, GF. I'm too old :-(
What Mark? What am I making too easy?

I was just enquiring what the club is? I see it quite often on the latest posts bit and wondered what the hell it is?
>> Come on, GF - *YOU'RE* making it too easy... ;-)

> What Mark? What am I making too easy?

Look at *YOUR* first post in this thread... ;-)
I am a little lost. I am telling you my brain tonight is not at full capacity.

Shhhhh... your disturbing the peace =) (wink wink) - this post?

Why are you not out having fun tonight Mark, instead of here
I spell bad, we have acknowledged that. I did leave school very young and its is a little late and I am hopped up on painkillers. These are my excuses and I stand by them! =)
Is being my spell check your'e idea of a good night in? =)
lol you're - dammit!
Come and have a nosy GF, we are mad but not dangerous and meds are not compulsory, though I know you are on plenty for a reason.
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Just got back, hic. Thanks for the reponses. G'night, g'bless.
Night Stewey Hic!!
-- answer removed --
OOh yes so I is, tut tut Stewey for being a dirty stopout, as if!!

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It's quiet on here

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