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Are You Happy With Yourself

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oscarina | 19:46 Sun 20th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Are you a "happy bunny" or is there anything you would want to change about yourself or your lifestyle!


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Where do i start?!?!
I'm ok about myself, but i'd quite like to change my bank balance please :-)
You could always give me some money then B00. lol
Yes, but agree very much with B00 too!
i'm delirious
And why on earth would I do something like that?
To make you happy with your bank balance, it would change afterall!
I meant I would like to see it in the plus (well, lots of plusses really) category, rather than always in the sodding minus .
Very content with my lot.
At the moment, no, I need to lose 1.1/2 stone (quit smoking fat) but it isn't shifting.
Could do with about £50k bank balance to help someone out.
Would like to find a 2 bed bungalow for me and the OH, he's fed up of where we are living but we can't agree where we want to go to.
Apart from that I'm as happy as Larry.
Not happy at all :-(
I am happy as I am, no really :)

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