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I do apologise i thought this was a fun site

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Jess_Ticulate | 19:54 Sun 20th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
I had no idea that you all took yourselves so seriously.


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Cbeebies might be more suitable if you want THAT much fun!!!
Jess you've picked a very quiet time on CB everyone seems to be on holiday or watching the footie or something. Give it time.
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I don't mean the lack of answers but the fact that i have been reported for having fun.
Or trying to have a bit of fun anyway.
Just have fun in chatterbank. Where you posting "funny" answers to serious questions?
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No TTG I haven't , I can differentiate between fun and serious. I made myself a member a while ago but didn't post. I just watched and thought I had picked up the jest of the site, it seems I was wrong. sorry.
Hey Jessie.... don't leave just because someone reported you. All newbies get reported because the suspicious folk assume they're old users returning under new names. We need fun new members on this site. You've just got to learn to let peoples' comments wash over you.

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I do apologise i thought this was a fun site

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