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which famous person dead or alive

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zzxxee | 07:59 Mon 21st Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
would you most like to be and why?


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for me it would have to be my heroine mae west
her life was so interesting and she was the the sassiest funniest lady to ever grace our screens
Picasso. A rare combination of artistic talent, business acumen and lunacy. Or Spike Milligan for the same reason.
JK Rowling now she is very very rich, and the ability to write books kids really want to read.... or a russian oil billionaire so I could buy a footie team and have it as a personal plaything while sleeping with beautiful women Portsmouth deserve a bit of luck and would be pretty cheap
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yep would be nice to have j.k's wonga !!!
Peter North....for the good times!
I'd like to be me 20 years ago. i'd say "lay off the cakes you fat cow!!"
Me may 10 1980 screaming at the bride (me) don't do it!!!!!!!

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which famous person dead or alive

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