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Describe a "typical" Taurus

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evedawn | 08:54 Sun 20th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
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lofty..LOL that is just what your mate Robinia said.................????
Morning sqad - you are needed over on health on a 'why can i smell a smell thread....'

Mr E. N. T. Expert (endearingly naughty t1t-lover).
salla...she doesn't need an ENT opinion, she needs a Psychiatric opinion........look at her past posts.
No Sqad. Robinia and I don't live together!! Neither are we colluding. Just like minds (perhaps because we are both Taureans!!)
lofty....wooooooow! steady now.....I didn't say that you LIVED with Robinia........??
Actually you did once Sqad. I remember it well!! Way back in the distant past!! Your memory is failing - age related!!
Blimey lofty....scraping the barrel.......I am still relating to THIS thread.
Not scraping the barrel. I was being flippant. I thought you would have remembered saying it hence the three question marks you inserted!!
Lofty...yeah! right.
crikey, are the Taureans still locking horns, haha?
Stubborn old Taurean. Well so am I, so there!!! ;o)
(I never flounce off though ;o) )
Good morning Robinia, my love.
Robinia, is my lunch ready yet?
Morning sqad
I don't do flouncing either Lottie... and I do paw the ground for a long time before I charge :o)
Don't push it 'mate' :o)
Lofty....LOL...LOL........see, I told you....LOL
How strange robi, I'm a Libran and I do have a chin dimple!!
Stop it you lot, I am a peacemaker!

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