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My friends son!

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TWR | 20:08 Mon 21st Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
The person is 23 yrs old has just been seriously injured in Afghanistan by a land mine, it has taken his legs, arm, & private parts, the person is in a relationship, the anger within his family, Need I say? we have been talking about the troubles over there & what can resolve the problem, What the USA done in Hiroshima, that stopped the war, would you get the Afghan Prisoners to walk in front of the UN troupes? Inhuman? it that what you think? life to them Basds means nothing, your view's.


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We should pull the troops out.

No one ever wins a war in Afghanistan.
I should think your friend's son would he horrified by your suggestion.
*be horrified
all the people doing time in prison for rape or murder should be sent out there
I must be missing something, I didn't understand the post even after reading it 4 times.
God this poor guy!!

The troops should be pulled out, I agree with Hopkirk, noone wins in war.
you are suggesting that we bomb afganistan into oblivion?
ah , just got what you mean. Why on earth do you think this would stop the war?

NO btw
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What suggestion would you come up with if it was your son Cazzz, this young lads life is well & truly Fcked, the people of Afghanistan know the enemy & they know it.
as well as bombing the taliban, you will also be bombing thousands of innocent people, will that make your friends son feel better in the end? dont you think the families of the dead want some sort of revenge?
I would think that the poster is quite distraught at the present, especially since he knows the injured person; so, a discussion on our involvement in the war is not something that either he or we should be engaged in.
Thank you stewey, perspective. I can share TWR's anger at the waste, but the politics of war is another matter. Those of us in army families know what people face, we at home have no idea what it's really like out there.
You are right stewey. So sorry for the young lad.
agree stewey, I can understand the devastation, its an awful situation :/
Oh dear, so sorry for this young man.
It's another vietnam.

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My friends son!

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