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Armed Forces Day.

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anotheoldgit | 19:38 Sun 20th Jun 2010 | News
12 Answers

Will there be as many flags flying next Saturday for our real heroes, as there as been for our soccer team.

Come on, give them all the support they truly deserve.


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Nice one! Really puts things into perspective.
I'm sure that our armed forces don't automatically "expect" the nation to turn out flag waving just because someone's decided to name a day after them. I certainly didn't and I served over 15 years in the Army. It's a job of choice nowadays - conscription's long gone. We all know the dangers.

I must admit that to still have the likes of anniversaries for Dunkirk, for example, has worn pretty thin. We are past masters, though, at turning disasters into triumph.

But, if anyone feels the need to go flag waving, who am I to dissuade them? Everyone to his own.
Who exactly decided we needed an armed forces day

This started last year I notice

Oh I guess that would be Gordon Brown

Was it a cynical attempt to gain popularity from our brave Heroes last year and a fine display of patriotism this year?
"The Prime Minister said the country had a "social responsibility" to shows its thanks"

Don't thank them BRING THEM HOME!!!
Joining the armed forces and being stationed in a country like Afghanistan does not make you a hero.
I think that's what really winds me up daffy

There are real heroes in the forces I'm sure

The forces are full of people who bummed their way through school and ending up with nothing to show for it and who then drifting into the Army.

All of a sudden they're heroes!
My point exactly Jake!
"Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel". Samual Johnson
My cadet unit is doing a parade and performance of physical-training warm ups to music, luckily i'm on a powerboating course next weekend.
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Armed Forces Day.

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