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I have all this to look forward to .........................

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wolf63 | 00:05 Tue 22nd Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
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It's awful when I can recognise myself! LOL
And when you've got through all of that Susan there is old age! Couldn't find a picture of that for you - just the avatar< (;-))
That's like me during this pregnancy but tearful & swollen seem to be missing LOL
That good eh Jo? (;-))
Ark its been a bundle of fun ;) at least with PMT you can warn folk when its happening!

Oh & not forgetting the heartburn!
Hows the other end Jo, or shouldn't I ask. Pass the rubber ring .
With real PMT you don't have to warn 'em Jo - just one look at the face usually does it.
Still, it has got to be worth it all in the end, heartburn included.
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I still think the avatar wins hands down Susan !
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I am 46 and don't think that I am getting old - apart from my grey hairs.

But most of my friends look really old. I am staying away from mirrors. My 'little' brother is 42 and has three children. My cats are 5.

The only consolation is that we are all growing old at the same rate!
I don't worry about my grey hairs - I have earned every one of them!
mamya it hasn't come to that 'yet'! although I did have a bout of thrush after a course of antibiotics (do you know a chemist cant sell you any cream for it now while your pregnant unless you've seen a doctor?)

ttfn, I know you don't have to warn them, I think my boys had it circled on the calender lol

wolf 46 isn't old! I'm getting grey hairs at 35! & getting rather sick of the maternity 'crew' referring to me as an 'older mum' :( your as young as you feel I say :)
I love the line... I stole the gold from your hair, I put the silver threads there!
But its so good when you come out the other side..... then you get the geri-dwarves
Tetchy, grouchy, piddly, muddly, wrinkly, nosy and cardy
Fabulous thread - the first link, I thought that you've been looking in my photo album!

I love Cardy, LOL - although Piddly is on the second one already, could we have Hanky instead?
of course you can... and as their friend will get older too we have Snow wasn't like that when I was a girl Grey and Prince Used to be charming but now just sits on the sofa and farts in his sleep
perhaps we should add Farty to the list then ...
Usual tone from boxy tut tut. I am outta here

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