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I have a case of Pinot Grigio Blush to celebrate with me

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Bobbisox | 20:02 Wed 23rd Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
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Ahhh I'm gonna have to get my own fridge!!!! Nothing is safe!
A pint jan? That is real class love.
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told ya Suezie, get over here and party with
I think I'm gonna move in with ya hahaha, all my food disappearing..Can I bring my supplies i have left to your party?
It saves keep getting up and going to the fridge ayg. I've given the staff the night off.
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snob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jan
btw, hows Mr Jan pet?
Not great Joy. They cancelled his last session of chemo and he is now going to have an operation to try and remove the tumour. Got an appointment on Friday at hospital when he should find out when op is but should be middle to end of July. It's our Silver wedding anniversary 20th July so hope is after that, although really do want to get it over and done with. Just trying to stay positive. Thanks for asking. xxxx
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I will be thinking of you Jan, just as you thought of me when I needed friends most x
Thanks Joy. People have been very kind. xx
I need a top up :(
My thoughts are with you & yours Jan. Take care
Thanks lardy. xx
Jan I like your avatar, very cute xx

Just read your previous post, I hope he makes a full recovery xxx Love and hugs xxx
Right, I'm raiding Bobbis drinks cabinet...Dibbs on the Ritz :) *glug glug*

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I have a case of Pinot Grigio Blush to celebrate with me

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