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has NM run away with bobjugs?

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Bobbisox | 19:50 Thu 24th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
46 Answers
I haven't seen them in a while, do they come in during the day?
NM used to have some cracking threads, and ummm, where's she?
miss 'em both...♥


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NM was last on on Tuesday, but Bob was lurking earlier today apparently
gran - I am shocked
Greedy those tickets should be free!

ttfn may imagination is working overtime. lol.
^ my imagination. It's the Japan footie match thats putting me off.
Yeah I know, I don't live to far from Leeds myself. Its a bit rubbish. But now you will probably only get a ticket if you by them. Unlikely someone will give you them out of the goodness of their hearts! It's a shame so many people get them with the intention of making money.
They appear to be having a very public relationship so perhaps they've taken themselves away from the limelight...

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has NM run away with bobjugs?

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