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Slang Phrases

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bosey | 20:59 Tue 22nd Jun 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
Can anyone help with my last two please?

The ideal man ( D B ) - all I can think of is David Beckham!
Just an estimation ( B P )

Letters in brackets are the first letters of the answer.
Any help much appreciated.


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Ball Park?
Dream Boat?
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Had no idea really so think I will go with these two. Thank you both very much for your help.
Hi Bosey, found this which might (or more like won't) interest you http://www.phrases.or...12/messages/1140.html
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Thank you sherrardk. I couldn't think what ball park was until you showed me this link. "Ball park figure" made the penny drop.

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