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cheeky ways of asking for your number

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mollykins | 09:04 Fri 25th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
What's the cheekiest way someone has asked for your number, or even the craftiest or sweetest way?


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Person found out where I worked phoned on a day when I wasn't in then asked a collegue for my mobile saying it was a query about some work I was doing for him She gave it to him.....

Also because I have done a bit of freelance artwork someone asked for my card as he might have a commision for me... I think he wanted me to check out his ceiling for a mural...
Off quite a leery fooker in a club I got:

"Howiya Love, I've lost my number can I have yours?" (Said in very strong DOOBLIN accent)

I remember a few years back sitting upstairs on a bus and this girl was walking to the stairs to get off the bus and some guy shouted out "Hey, can I have your number?"
Her response was the funniest thing I heard in years..She turned to him and shouted back "Course ya can it's 087 - 2 2 Too good for you!"
The whole upstairs of the bus burst out laughing...was hilarious!!

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cheeky ways of asking for your number

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