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benny3008 | 21:07 Mon 28th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
I saw you this morning driving through the village however you wouldn't have seen me because i was in my sisters car. lol the one time i actually see you and im not on my bike, what are the chances!?!? :-/


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Supposed to be moving back to the village at the end of July so we should bump into each other then - have thought of just coming into the pub on a Saturday morning and saying hello as I know you work then! (I won't though as I would look like some mad stalker!!)
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Haha, nah, you won't look like a stalker, feel free to pop in. :-) you looking forward to moving back up to the village?
Can't wait - really, really hate living here. When we move back we can go to the park, etc and I won't be dragging the kids in and out of the car. We can walk to school, etc - it'll be great!! House is a bit small for us but at least it is in the village. My eldest will love it as he will be able to go out and play with his mates.
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ah goodo, the park is much better now! i bet it will be nice to live in a quiet village again after living in town, which estate are you moving into?
I don't live in town - I live in f***ing Burghill (but outside of the proper bit) - we're moving to Ecroyd Park (fingers AND toes crossed).
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oh right, not sure why i thought u lived in town :-/ my sister lives in ecroyd park, in fact, i practically live there aswell as its where my dog lives and i like to be with him as much as i can, its a really friendly estate i find but im guessing you probably already know that after living here before. :-) ah well, my fingers are crossed for you too! :-)
I think the people in the village are lovely - they have been so nice and helpful to me since we moved here 3 years ago (more helpful than you would expect from people who you have not known very long).
May I ask what village you two are talking about?
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Credenhill, Hereford. :-)
The reason I asked is that I like to look at photos of "quaint' villages in the UK. I notice that you have no street-view images on Google Earth; but, the highway going nearby it does. Did the residents object to having pictures taken in town?
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Nope, not that i know of, i think it's just one of these places that is the last to have street view done, we are last for alot of things, one village i would suggest to you though which is very nice is Llanyre in Wales (near Llandrindodd wells), its where my nan lives and i love it there, i know that one definitely has streetview. :-)
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i'll admit, streetview does not do Llanyre justice, it's much nicer to go to in real life :-)
Temporary complete change of conversation.. Sherr.. I came across a thread you posted way back in march re my mum's funeral.. thank you for thinking of me/us (5 kids in all!!)... it went well.. the sun shone, the flowers were lovely (I stole a rose and pressed it and it's in my display cabinet now), and I had too much to drink (but apparently that's allowed). Went down to see dad a couple of weeks ago and found it bonkers that mum's stuff is everywhere.. clothes in the wardobe, makeup brushes on her table, crossword reference books and pens on the table.. it's as if she's taken the dog for a walk and will be back at any time.... however, Dad seems to be getting on ok (has lots of home help now..)... anyhoo - thanks again for asking.. xx

Carry on... ;-)
Thanks, benny. I was under the impression that all of England had street-view. I was bornin in Newcastle-under-Lyme many, many moons ago, and I "visited" it via Google a while ago: didn't really recognize quite a lot of it:)
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yeh, it is amazing how quickly things change now! the route to our village from town has changed massively since i moved here 10 years ago and they're currently making even further changes to it, its hardly been used since it was last done and there digging it up again, its beyond me!
HI Stewey - to be fair it's not a quaint village - it's the people that make it a really great place to live.
Showing my age; but, I'm talking about 50 years ago! Anyway, nice talking to you.......cheers.

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