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What's with the Google banner?

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boxtops | 07:56 Tue 29th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
anyone looked at Google in the last couple of days? - the header banner is commemorating the 110th anniversary of St Exupery. What can't AB change its logo as frequently as this? The longest day was last week - we still have the footie logo.


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I agree.. get rid of the footie, lol!
people who change their picture every day are just idiots
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what, altogether, sara? Give us back our tv schedules too, sez I!
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:-) at bibble, who are you today?
true, bibble.. some kind of mental illness.
boxy yes, bring back some light entertainment, say I :o)
boxtops - that is Howard Webb the English referee who oversaw the Brazil game last evening. But he's gone because of this thread.
is it a mental illness?

I better stick with this avatar then?
Mick, you're the exception to the rule ;o)

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What's with the Google banner?

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