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Renault Clio starting problems

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karldurston | 11:48 Wed 24th Aug 2005 | Motoring
3 Answers

I am having problems starting my renault clio. The battery is ok, but when i turn the ignition i hear a clicking noise and it doesnt turn over. any way to solve this without visiting the garage??





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Well one cause of this used to be that the starter motor sprocket had de meshed with the ring gear. if you put the car in gear, take off the handbrake and then physically rock it back and forth, that's forwards and then back wards, not side to side! that should get the teeth to mesh again if indeed that is the issue. Otherwise are you sure the battery is ok? You could try jump starting from another car to verify that it's not the battery.

We had the same problem with a clio recently and had it put into the garage to fix the problem which they thought was the starter motor.  Unfortunately (as it was an intermittent problem) they couldnt find anything wrong and returned the car to us.


We since found a loose wire which we think is what has been causing the problem!

 I suggest  the  battery  is either flat  or us , it sounds  as  though  it is starter  bendix clicking

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Renault Clio starting problems

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